Happy New Years and a Belated Merry CHRISTmas!
We had a busy time this holiday season, but what is new. Our Christmas day consisted of Brian really, really sick, traveling in the rain, and shells for dinner. It was a very different day to say the least however; I know that we will be blessed with many more though. That week though we still had Christmas time with my mom and sister and then another day we met up with my dad.
New Years time Brian and I finally made it out, without the kids to a New Years party. It was very nice, and we had fun. I got to see a lot of my old friends that I love so MUCH!! They still crack me up.
The family is doing well as things are always changing and something new. Kaylah turned ONE on January 18th. Oh my baby is one years old!!! Where did the time go? It seemed like it flew by more with Kaylah then with Jaden. She is becoming such a little girl and no longer a baby. She is obsessed with babies and kids around her age. She can say - hi, bye, baby, apple, Dada, mom or mama, cracker, up, ease(please), daden(Jaden), Ama (Grandma), Tata, Papa, ball, and I think that is it for now but, that is a lot if you don't ask me. We have a Genius on our hands, ha ha. She is attempting to walk but not quite yet. I think in another week or two but no rush. She knows what she wants and demands it. Gee, I wonder where she gets that from?
Jaden is still such a wonderful big brother and we are so blessed to have such a loving, sweet boy. He is careful to watch Kaylah and what she does, they love to hug each other and cuddle with one another more then us. He is becoming such a big boy. He starting to read and I watch him in awe. God is good, God is good!! He loves school and as he says to play "
Well take care, and hopefully I will talk more soon.