It's been some time since the last time I wrote. I debated on stopping the blog, changing the title, etc.. A lot of changes have been made in my family and I still don't know how much I can write and not write. One huge celebration was that we celebrated the OFFICIAL ADOPTION of S and M. They are now and forever will be our little ones!
Now that the adoption is final, I have been tossing the idea of writing a book about our journey. However, I think that I will add that thought into the CRAZY pile, because as much as I want that to happen, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Let's just jump in:
S has been going to Behavioral therapy at Children's Hospital Autism Center on a weekly basis. As you most know they didn't diagnosis her with Aspergers or PDD-NOS (She makes eye contact!) however, they realized that the therapies could be beneficial to her due to her lack of communication skills, and understanding. She has really improved in a lot of areas, her fits are not a 20 min. hitting and screaming fest. At this moment she is using an "emotional toolbox" That is a box with a bunch of different calming techniques (breathing, reading, jumping etc...) when she gets upset I send her to her room to find something to calm down then after we talk about it, use an emotional scale to show where she is at, then we have to write it down.
She also has a "play box" since she has a hard time playing or creating her own play. In this box is a bunch of different activities that she can pick from, then we set a timer for 30min. for the chosen activity. She is getting the handle of it. My life is full of charts, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.
The whole point of the charts is to teach her to do this stuff on her own, but I'm the one tracking. At times I want to throw them all away and just give up. "SAY FORGET IT!! I"M CRAZY." Then something or someone sees a change or notices a behavior and I know I'm not.
Overall her schooling is doing very well. She is above her grade level in most areas and she has friends. She is still having a few social issues that the school is trying to help with.
So what is the problem then - It sounds like she's doing great?! Believe me there are still plenty of issues that ensue.
I love her so much that I would literally die for her, I would take my own life if I knew it would someway help. Over dramatic much? No it's not. Everything I do for her is too try to shape her into a functioning adult that will make rational choices. Her choices now have NO LOGIC, lying, yelling, etc... it worries me. It happens at home mostly because they say we are her "Safe Haven" she loves you the most and can let it all out.
Isn't home the most important part in ones life? Home is where you truly become the person you will be. As parents we are the ones that shape our children, not the teachers. We are the ones... that matter. If your home life isn't good, then nothing else will be. So what do you do when things are so crazy at times, are these the memories you are making?
No they aren't because even during the hard there are tons of wonderful!