S's teacher commented on how great a reader she is noting that her strengths are in Organization, neatness and following rules. Umm... yep, that sounds about right. However, she needed to work on her comprehension answers in reading, they are too basic and need more thought and input. Also her math skills she can count by 2's, 3's, 10's etc.. but when you try to start her at another number ex. (start at 100 and count by 2's) she can't do it. I tried to explain to the teacher that we are well aware of her short comings and that is part of our concern for the future. Most people can take a skill and apply it elsewhere; Where as S every skill is a new lesson, she has to re learn it in that manner memorize and then lock it in. She can't take this skill and move it over here, not how her brian works. As far as the deeper comprehension questions well that is all part of her cognitive that we are also working on. I felt like the teacher gave me a blank stare. She is just not understanding S. She tried to say how great she is at Mimicking (ASPERGERS!), Memorizing (ASPERGERS!), however cannot create on her own imagination (ASPERGERS!). I told her we understand and our working on it. She claimed that she does not see fits in her class and I assured her that she never will. S doesn't have fits in public she goes mute. Teacher's response "Oh you mean that blank stare that she gets, like she's lost." YES!!! I have to say I left frustrated that this teacher doesn't get it.
But a positive note did roll around the next day.. at cognitive therapy- They were categorizing objects that make her happy and ones that make her sad. S asked to create one box that makes her worried. In the box S decided to put - Parties with a lot of kids, or places (reason you can get hurt, touched, pushed, lost, noise..), Legos (don't like when they don't have directions don't know what to do), School (all the work you have to do and it never stops.), Games (she couldn't tell why but it does cause her anxiety).
I was so proud that she came to define these things on her own. Will she magically change now? No but it's a stepping stone to help her become aware of herself and I am so proud. This was huge for us. They also commented that re-testing for Aspergers. They said it is something to think about in the future (THANK GOD! Finally they are seeing it too.)
Don't ever give up! Celebrate each success and achievement as it comes! Way to go S!