Tuesday, April 15, 2014


 I just checked my stats before I started writing today and I'm at a little over 2,000 hits.  I know that some blogs receive that on a daily. However, I never write with the intention or plan of being read so it is sort of cool that someone out there is reading it.  I hope that in some way I am helping you. If anything it's nice to know that your not alone.

I've been meaning to write this post for about a month but, I wasn't sure where what I felt about it.  About a month ago, I took S to the Center for Advanced Medicine, in Encinitas.  They did a test on her to find out what she was allergic too.  I believe the test was called a NAET test, it is based on energy levels.  I know it sounds sort of out there.  I had told them about S having Aspergers and they said that they were familiar with the diet that she should need, however they were going to run the test to see if she was allergic to anything.   The reason that I took her was because we have been suffering digestion issues and bathroom issues for a long, I mean a long time.  I took her to our regular doctor who gave us a laxative, and Miralax however, this did not help.

I had read that children with Aspergers tend to have digestion issues and allergic to Gluten as well as Lactose.  Yes, these are the things that came up in her test as well as peanuts, corn, and pineapple.  They told me that I need to build S's healthy fats (avocado, oils, and butter).  The healthy fats help, to build insulators around her neurons, with her insulators being built that will help her fits, and fustration.   Kids apparently can never have enough healthy fats, it's ok for them to eat butter for any of us actually.  

I decided to give this a try, to change her diet.  She is having a healthy breakfast of eggs (which she hates!) and avocado, lots of veggies with oil (no ranch), and no Lactose or any cow milk products.  The result has been great!! Is it a cure all - NO WAY!!!  She is having less tantrums, her frustrations she is handling a lot better (cries but is trying to control).  Her cognitive, is still the same.  I didn't except a miracle.  And I don't think my daughter needs to be CURED! Her digestion was why I went and that has been doing great.

If you decide to go the diet route, keep an open mind.  Don't try to CURE them, they are made special and wonderful.  Be open, to whatever happens for us it's helped for others who knows.

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