Thursday, April 9, 2009

March 2009

Well this month has been a little crazy to say the least.
My little baby boy turned 5
so I guess he's a BIG BOY now. We didn't have a birthday party this year but instead went to Disneyland.

The first day was great, crowds were perfect and the kids loved it. Well as much as Kaylah could. The second day was no fun. We do not like California Adventure but hey 2fer. An hour into entering the park Kaylah got really sick, Jaden whined the whole time so we lasted about a whole two hours and about three rides. We were all exhausted though. Kaylah has pretty much mastered walking and is working on running. She is such a little girl that loves her babies, and moms chap stick. With that though she can handle her own with her brother and loves to be in the mix. Oh and if you don't know me too well my kids have taken after me and they ARE NOT QUIET!

Well with all that said if you have be
en keeping updated a little by reading the blog you would have seen that I was pregnant. Well the little one is now with our Father in Heaven. I went in for my 12week check up to find that the little one only made it to 9weeks 2days. Explaining this to Jaden was a little difficult but he's a very smart little guy that loves the Lord and understood that God had his reasons. It's weird that one moment your pregnant but the next you are not. We have been blessed by the support of our family and friends. One friend passed me this verse that helped me a lot:
Nahum 1:7 - The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him

Already I can see why this was meant to be. And in God's timing who knows what the future holds.

Here are some other trips we took this mont
h, a tea party for Kaylah, the zoo, bowling and Jaden went to La Jolla Cove with his Nina and Nino Alex.
Take Care and have a fun

Friday, February 13, 2009

Kaylahs Guilty Face

I was looking through some photos of Kaylah and was thinking how she is our little sneaky one here are some photos recently of her.

Gods Surprise

This past January 31st Brian and I got a Huge Surprise!! I was starting to get the old "I think I'm pregnant?" feeling. So of course before I was ready to teach a lesson on God's Strength I took a pregnancy test. And there it was two lines staring back at me!!! I couldn't beleive it as we were not plannning too physically have a third. We have always had adoption on our heart and thought that we would look into this in a year or so but God had other plans. Brian had even scheduled his manly appointment if you know what I mean.

I came home and told Brian to close his eyes and surprised him with the test, needless to say he was little surprise as he wasn't even expecting me to be pregnant. I didn't even tell him that I was having thoughts and feelings thinking I was. I took another test on Sunday and to reconfirm and got the Doctors confirmation on Feburary 2nd.

I'm not sure yet when our actual due date is we are thinking early October of this year. My first doctor appointment is on Feburary 25th so we will share the due date and this one is going to be a surprise on what we are having.

It has been good to be studying God's Attributes and learning that God knows all, plans all and is in control of all. God is Good.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Year 2009

Happy New Years and a Belated Merry CHRISTmas!

We had a busy time this holiday season, but what is new. Our Christmas day consisted of Brian really, really sick, traveling in the rain, and shells for dinner. It was a very different day to say the least however; I know that we will be blessed with many more though. That week though we still had Christmas time with my mom and sister and then another day we met up with my dad.

New Years time Brian and I finally made it out, without the kids to a New Years party. It was very nice, and we had fun. I got to see a lot of my old friends that I love so MUCH!! They still crack me up.

The family is doing well as things are always changing and something new. Kaylah turned ONE on January 18th. Oh my baby is one years old!!! Where did the time go? It seemed like it flew by more with Kaylah then with Jaden. She is becoming such a little girl and no longer a baby. She is obsessed with babies and kids around her age. She can say - hi, bye, baby, apple, Dada, mom or mama, cracker, up, ease(please), daden(Jaden), Ama (Grandma), Tata, Papa, ball, and I think that is it for now but, that is a lot if you don't ask me. We have a Genius on our hands, ha ha. She is attempting to walk but not quite yet. I think in another week or two but no rush. She knows what she wants and demands it. Gee, I wonder where she gets that from?

Jaden is still such a wonderful big brother and we are so blessed to have such a loving, sweet boy. He is careful to watch Kaylah and what she does, they love to hug each other and cuddle with one another more then us. He is becoming such a big boy. He starting to read and I watch him in awe. God is good, God is good!! He loves school and as he says to play "Rogers" there that is a secret word for soldiers he said so the teacher doesn't know what they are talking about. He is a funny one, and very quick.

Well take care, and hopefully I will talk more soon.