Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Crazy Schedule

This last month seems like we have been real busy! We have been adapting to Jaden's busy little schedule - Do I have him in too much?
Mon, Wed. and Fri - School from 8:45-11:45am
Tues. and Thurs - Karate now at 5-5:45pm then
Wed. and Saturday - Soccer.

The little guy has so much energy. I don't understand where the boys get it from. No matter how many bike rides, park, school he is still going...going and going... at the end of the day. We are learning how to read and write now, - What happened to my little baby boy? When did he get so big?

He is currently a little under the weather and the that little baby boy has appeared again. I truly do cherish that time when he lets me cuddle him and hold him.

Well take care -
The Frankes

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hello, This is the start of our family blog. It seems like many family and friends are now "bloggers". So for the peer pressure, here we go. Let's see where do you start this blogging business.

Well this is the mom and wife of the group - Isabel
We are currently living in San Diego in the Chula Vista area. I like to say Otay just because it's a little newer then Chula Vista. Anyhow, I am blessed to be a Stay at home mom to two beautiful children - Kaylah born on 01/18/08 and Jaden 41/2 years. My husband Brian Franke is a Lineman Apprentice for SDG&E he is in his 2nd yr. He loves the job, but it is a prayer every day for saftey and strength that only comes from our Father above.

In our spare time apart from family time - Jaden is playing soccer and is a orange belt in Karate. Kaylah is exploring all toys in her mouth, attempts to crawl and stand up. Brian is practicing surfing, and just being a daddy and jungle gym for the kids. Myself other then chasing my blessed children around, I am a leader in our women's group at church ( that keeps me busy with studying and growing in the word. Also I have become quite the crafty one and do enjoy crocheting, making bows and new one beading.

Well I hope to keep you all updated on our daily turn of events and adventures of the family life.

Talk to you all soon, drop a line anytime. Isabel