Friday, July 15, 2011

What's been going on?

Well time has been going by and I haven't posted in awhile.  The children have all been on Summer Break, the much dreaded Summer Break that I was so not looking forward too turned out to be a GREAT SUMMER that WE all are going to miss.

Summary of the last 6 weeks:
1.  Started with a nice camping trip a local stay-cation.
2. Took the older three - J, S, and M to Palm Springs with Friends for a couple of days.
3. S got tested at C.A.R.E.S, they have not called to follow up to schedule the counseling they said she needed.  They said that she has no Coping, no social and pervasive language skills. That they would have diagnosed her with Aspergers if she did not have a previous background of neglect.  SO =P (tongue sticking out) at them.  We will just keep making it through until Children's Hospital appointment in August for me(interview) and September for her.   Meanwhile, also will continue with our make shift home therapies and doing as much as we can.

4. The older two S and J went to my in-laws for a little over a week.  I was super nervous about this.  Not for J because he's been before and does well when away.  But for S who I was worried with all the WHAT IF's:  What If she losses it, What if she does this or that, blah, blah, blah.....  Well thank God all my WHAT IF's were not needed.  She did great!! She got lots and lots of one on one attention and did lots of fun things with everyone.  Since all I have our nephews the boys all played together and S soaked in all the girlie, girl attention.

Well they were gone, I enjoyed more then ever, spending time with my youngest two M and K.  Too watch them play together, was so wonderful.  They got to act their age as much as they wanted because they weren't worried about trying to be a BIG kid like their brother and sister.  They laid in Mama's bed and watched moves, they got special trips to SeaWorld, to visit daddy at his FAR AWAY job, zoo trips and a lot of little things.

To remember what it was like with two, What is all the complaining about people?! Two is a breeze, books of mine got read, they played, house stayed clean without the older two messing it up.  No fights to really break up because they both are so close in age they like to play the same things.

It was the life - Thank you to my amazing in-laws for taking the older two for a much needed time away.

School resumes here in about five days.  School shopping is somewhat done and we are all looking forward to starting our routine again. I think we are looking forward to it?  The TV we got fixed and we made it the WHOLE summer without one.  The kids would and still are watching old VHS's in my bed. LOVE IT!!!  Daddy's been gone our whole Summer break working his bottom off in 113 degreee heat and THANK you daddy but we SURVIVED mommy with all her four cubs.  S and M learned to swim on their own. So PROUD! For S this was a huge accomplishment we started swimming lessons at AquaPros a local place that specializes in autistic kids.  S use to scream when water touched her and never got her face and hair wet but she LOVES the water, she has confidence and with her own timing she is now swimming to watch her swim means more then words can say because for S things come at a different timing then others she has a lot more work that goes on in the inside.

School not only starts for the kids but for me as well. I haven't been in school in 7 years!!! I am excited to do something for myself and for a future.  I decided to pursue a minor in Child Development and Major in Psychology.  All my old computer stuff, doesn't count at all  but at least I had previously started studying Child Development so I don't have that much more to go.  They said that I will be done in 2014! ha ha ha....

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