Friday, August 5, 2011

School Life

We are seriously back to the routine of school.  They are all so excited to be back in as I am too.  S seems to be doing a lot better since school is a BIG rountine for her.  J  is back to normal of crying and getting mad when it's homework time.  I hate HOMEWORK time!!! S however it's all that she ever wants to do.

All the kids are starting soccer practice today except for my little K.  Poor thing she had to wait thru 3 older siblings that little girl is ready to play some kind of sport.  I need to find something to put her in.

Now that the kids are in school, I am extremely busy with trying to get all the school volunteering in order. I am on the PTC board which keeps me busy but most importantly it keeps me visible at the school.  I am able to talk to the teachers whenever I need to or vice versa and that is important.

We are still only a week and half into it and S is doing good with her change to ALL DAY school.  Her school does a really good with job with trying to help me, help her.  S loves to help, it's what she does.  They like to pair her with other indiviuals that may be a little handicap in her class so that she can help them with what they need. It gives her confidence in class and I belive with her peers. The only thing about this is that it also makes her think that she is  IN CHARGE.  The second day I was at school and I was watching her walk back to her class from afar. I was standing there with the school psychologist and special education person.  When we see S physically trying to carry a BIG boy... in line.  The special ed person hollered at her to put him down.  And their is example #1 of thinking she's IN CHARGE. On the third day of school the kids were getting in line by their number order - S is the #1. A little boy was out of his number order so S took it upon herself to PUSH him into his spot, wihich made him fall over because she can be rather rough.  I was shocked when I saw the size of this little boy, little is not quite the word to describe him. He was a BIG Boy.   The teacher is trying to help her learn to keep her hands to herself.

My only concern lately is that S when she is home seems a little different.  She doesn't seem to be trying to play with others too much.  After her homework and reading time is done, she wants to still do her other educational books.  At school when I do see her on the playground she does the monkey bars over and over, not really chasing or running with others.  We went to a family b-day party the other day and she went into her bubble.  If the kids were in the jacuzzi she sat by herself in the pool, if they were in the pool she was in the jacuzzi.  When I tried to talk to her she was overstimulated and wouldn't talk or make eye contact.  This happened a couple of other times too.

There are times when I doubt if she even has ASPERGERS. She seems happy, content, she's not arguing as much with me anymore. She's really trying I can see it.  What's hard is to hear her starting to notice the difference - "Mommy I don't like to play outside,  Mommy I try to focus so hard in class it makes me tired..., I have a hard time with my shapes."  Can they notice these things?

On a positive note - the adoption is going well and we are in a waiting period.

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