Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pretty Smooth

I haven't had much time to write lately.  With the husband gone, a date with a cup of coffee and the computer is rare.  I usually am not winding down until 9pm and that is with a crochet hook and HORRIBLE TV.   Things have been busy.  We've had our ups and downs.  I do have to be honest that with Daddy gone, it seems like I have been handling S better.  When she has had her rages, I separate her as best as possible until she calms down, even if that is putting her in the garage/play room until it stops.  If it's a bad one, I am finding picking her up and walking around outside helps her to calm down fast.  This is not to say that at times I want to yell "SHUT UP!!!!  YOU DON'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!!! STOP PLEASE!!!!"  instead it's full of "yes S, I understand, ah ha, yada yada yada....."    It seems like it's really peaked lately but yet in some ways it's manageable, maybe that is me.    Maybe it's because I know that Daddy can't come to save the day, that he's not walking in the door later today to hear me rant about it. So there is no point in complaining and I just handle it.

The Adoption investigation is coming this Thursday. They need to come to the house see if in fact the children live with us and then ask us questions.  I have been preparing S just by letting her know that someone is going to come over to see her room and ask her a few questions about her family.  She seems ready and ok with it.   After the investigation we have court in a couple of weeks. I will keep you informed.   The outlook on all of this looks really, really good.  The birth mother has just recently been dismissed from court ordered rehab, and we don't know where she is at.  However, she was served the papers so we will see if she shows.  Either way I feel positive about it.

It's funny how through all this, we are the ones that have to be investigated.  We don't even know where the mother is and if we did she doesn't get investigated.  She has the right to fight us if she wants.  She's the one making all the WRONG choices in her life and we are the ones FIGHTING for the children, being checked too see if WE are good, decent parents.  There is so much through all this that I have learned about our system.  They give the birth parents more then enough time to come back into the children's lives.  If they are good at hiding all their bad choices, they may get their children back even if deep down we know that the cycle will repeat itself.  We are fortunate that we choose to go the Legal Guardianship way verses Fostering.  It has given the children more protection and us more rights to make the parental decisions for them.  If you have questions about this feel free to ask.


On THursday last week S and I went to SeaWorld for her class field trip.  I was ready for the anxiety to kick in, for her to go into her shell like she usually does with the zoo or some big place.  I am happy to say that, that did not happen.  She did so GOOD!!!  She enjoyed seeing the animals, when the places were too crowded for her, she did a good job just by hugging my leg tight or walking and standing by the nearest exit until everyone was ready to go on.  Lately we have been messing with the piano that I have.  It seems like she's catching on, very quickly.  She is very musically inclined and I find that soothing music seems to soother her during her fits.

One more week until Court, two more weeks until her Autism evaluation.

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